P E R C E I V I N G  F R A G M E N T S

The project is a response to an urban condition in which the extremes of rapid urbanization are juxtaposed to traditional modes of habitation. Within this context the project investigates the influence of vision over how one perceives their surroundings. It is proposed that due to the intensification of mental life and the introduction of speed to the dynamics of the modern metropolis, one is forced to experience their surroundings in a fragmentary way. That is to say one engages passively with their surroundings, denying the body of a continuous multi-sensory experience. One subsequently chooses to engage with their surroundings through the gaze of the snapshot seeking out environments which have been pre-emptively structured to convey a visually appealing scene.

The project takes heed of this fact while also challenging how a landscape informed by optics, denies the viewer of a haptic/tactile /multi-sensory quality. The aim of the project is to juxtapose the deficient sensory nature inherent within the snapshot/photographs with the potentially multi-faceted experience of space within the spaces of the Photographic Archive and Gallery.