[ R E ] C L A I M E D   L A N D S C A P E

The project aims to investigate and examine ideas of porosity, boundary, threshold and the translation of the traditional street into an architectural intervention. It aims to question the idea of ownership of space and the right to space, and to articulate and consider the peculiarity of the Islamic law of Al Fina. The proposal is the place of arrival, accommodation and also functions as a place for migrants to begin and create small industry in Istanbul. The project is viewed as a series of “houses”. These “houses” are fragmented along an inhabited elevated hanging garden over a park landscape of workshop allotments, gardens and sunken courts. The intervention stretches from the church of St Stefan to the ferry dock of Fener. Each house has a different social function while interacting and sometimes overlapping with other “houses” thereby questioning and challenging the threshold. The buildings’ facades can open or pivot to claim additional space and expand their threshold like cabinets. The project seeks to challenge notions of migration and mobility in the literal sense but also the migration and movement of time, objects and space.