I S T A N B U L   T E M P O

Movement Through Space

With over 15 million inhabitants, the city of Istanbul displays an array of contrasting paces in operation. The city thrives on beating its own system. For every designed scheme there is another which reacts to it. This thesis imagines how a landscape of pace governed by tempo can be applied to the site as well as investigating how ‘rogue’ elements such as the Dolmus bus, may be introduced to ‘upset’ the inherent tempos within the landscape and architecture, as only could occur in Istanbul.
This project proposes a landscape of intense paces containing a bus and boat terminal leading on to a landscape of ever diminishing paces, which serve to calm the chaos of the city and provide the individual with an opportunity to ‘slow down’. The landscape is divided into paces or ‘tempos’ in musical terms, it is a journey which begins at high tempo, decreasing to a very slow pace by the end.